6 months after in the Gulf Disaster

Bild des/r Benutzers/in Inge Barthel
There ARE no more fish...and the media ain't talking about it...


some excerpts:
Juan Gonzales: "I was struck by one particular passage, when you were interviewing aMargaret Curole, and she says to you, "Heres the truth. Where are the animals? Theres no too-da-loos, the little one-armed fiddler crabs. Ya dont hear birds. From Amelia to Alabama, Kevin never saw a fish jump, never heard a bird sing. This is their nestin season. Those babies, theyre not goin nowhere. We had a very small pod of sperm whales in the Gulf, nobodys seen em. Guys on the water say they died in the spill and their bodies were hacked up and taken away." And she goes on to say, "Fish are swimming in circles. Dolphins are choking on the surface. Its ugly, Im tellin you. And nobodys talkin about it. Youre not hearing nothin about it. As far as the media is reportin,
everythins being cleaned up and its not a problem."
Terry Tempest Williams: " I asked him what has stayed in his mind most in terms of hiswitnessing, he said that when they were burning the oil off the surface of the sea, he remembers on the edge of the flames seeing a pod of dolphins, side by side by side by side, watching, simply watching the ocean burn.
I think the other untold story are the dispersants. We know, thanks to Congressman Markey from Massachusetts, that after the EPA said, "Please, please," to BP, "find another dispersant that is less toxic," what we know now is that our Coast Guard, the United States Coast Guard, gave BP seventy-four exceptions in forty-eight days. And thats the untold story. And I think thats where so much of this illness is rising from. And we hear from the scientists, two inches of oil on the bottom of the sea. The scientist Samantha Joye said its a "graveyard for the macrofauna" and that the Gulf is dying from the bottom up. "


Bild des/r Benutzers/in Walter Hempe

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